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현재 페이지 위치 : > Guest Service > Information


Room amenities and services
The Hotel Policy

Check-in / Check-out Time

  • Check-in : After 3pm
  • Check-out : by noon

Cafe Information

  • [Breakfast]
    (Weekdays and Weekends) 07:00 - 10:00
  • [Lunch]
    (Weekends) 12:00 - 14:30
  • [DInner]
    >(Friday, Saturday) 18:00 - 21:30

Bar Information

  • [Rooftop Lounge]
    Weekdays and Weekends 16:00 - 24:00
    (Last Order 23:30)

Fitness Center Opening Hours

  • 06:00 ~ 23:00

Reservation Changes and Cancellations

  • Cancellations made by 6 PM one day before the stay will not incur a penalty.
  • For cancellations or changes made after 6 PM one day before the stay, or in the case of a no-show:
    •  Peak season(May, July, August, October, December 24, and December 31): 80% of the first night's rate will be charged as a penalty.
    •  Off-peak season (outside peak season): 10% of the first night's rate will be charged as a penalty.


  • Following the Resource Recycling Law, certain amenity items are available at a charge.